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iEXPOSED.us Youtube Channel
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_he_dw-QnuRni3jtXe3X_w go to website
iEXPOSED.us Now Has A Youtube Channel

This week we opened a video channel on YouTube. This is part of our plan to increase the time we are spending on producing video. In the past we did video, but our production has been very low. We have spent almost all our time on still photography.

Times are changing and so are we. Studies show that more people want to see video not just still photography. Like people say, either you change or die. We choose change. In fact, we are excited to change. In the past much of the video equipment produced low resolution video. This is no longer true. Even phones today can shoot 4K videos, so the resolution issue is resolved. Now you can produce high quality images in a video format.

This week we posted a dozen or so videos to the YouTube channel iexposed us. We will be posting at least one new video weekly going forward.

Please go our channel by clicking on the link below. If you like our videos, please subscribe to the channel.
