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Opinion: Getting What You Pay for in Construction Management
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Opinion: The Citizens of Marshall need to be able to contact their Commissioners
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Opinion: Think About the Air You Are Breathing -- by Tom Allin
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Opinion: An update from a year ago -- submitted by Lisa McMurry
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Opinion: Moving the Wonderland of Lights ice-skating rink back to the Square
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Opinion: Don't Mess With Texas -- submitted by Richard Bowden
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Opinion: Memorial Day
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Opinion: Thank you, Lone Star Eagle
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Opinion: Destination Development is correct -- Adopt this plan in its entirety
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Opinion: Why restrict their freedom while they are fighting
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Opinion: I'm Disgusted - completely DISGUSTED -- by Billy Bob Ray
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Opinion: What are they thinking? - or - Are they thinking?
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Opinion: We deserve better -- submitted by Carol Pace
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Opinion: Trinity Episcopal Church should reconsider the destruction of house
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OPINION: Writing the Positive/I Changed My Mind -- By: Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: Will He Quit or Won't He Quit -- by Ron Munden
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Opinion: The Emperor's new clothes -- Chapter 127 - submitted by Jay Webb
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Opinion: What Will the Chamber Do Next -- by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: Working Together on Tourism and Maintaining the Status Quo
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Opinion: I Was Robbed! -- by Billy Bob Ray
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Opinion: Changing the Policy -- by Hellen Sisler
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Opinion: I Support City Manager Frank Johnson Kicking
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Opinion: Supporting a Friend - submitted by Herb Slack
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Opinion: Supporting a Friend - submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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OPINION: Wonderland is Dead -- Submitted by: Richard Moore
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Opinion: The City Commission should revise the process for
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Opinion: My thoughts on appointments to the Main Street Board--by Henry Bradbury
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Opinion: Marshall as an artist’s haven -- by Jay Webb
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Opinion: I’ve never seen myself as any kind of an activist.
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Opinion: Why aren’t the managers held responsible? Submitted by Ron Munden
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Opinion: How Much Longer? submitted by Lacey Lofton/Marilyn Huffman
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Opinion: Chamber Needs New Leadership -- submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: Speak Out -- submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: A Plead to the City Commission -- submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: And to the Republic -- submitted by Jeff Moore
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Opinion: Republicans Will Run Over Little Children/Eating with the Parties
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Opinion: Spontaneous GI Humor? Or Propaganda? -- by Jack Canson
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Opinion: A suggestion for the Wonderland of Lights from Mary Jane Sanders
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Opinion: CVD Director: The only one in tune with the problems on the Square
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Opinion: My thoughts on my Republican party -- by Tom Allin
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Opinion: My Thoughts on Tourism -- submitted by Richard Moore
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Opinion: It’s Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas? – submitted by Ron Munden
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Opinion: Partisan Politics at the Marshall Chamber of Commerce and MEDCO
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Opinion: If God made it why can't people look at it? -- by Richard Moore
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Opinion: Do Caddo Lake Protection Advocates Know What They Are Talking About?
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Opinion: How Does the Chamber Spend Your Tax Dollars? -- by Ron Munden
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Opinion: What is going on? -- submitted by Lisa McMurry
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Opinion: Bond Issue for Marshall Parks -- submitted by Richard Moore
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Opinion: Separate Convention and Tourism from the Chamber -- by Richard Moore
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Opinion: Open Letter from Mary Jane and Jack Sanders
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Opinion: Marshall needs to save Words & Voices for many reasons
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Opinion: Make It Happen! Don’t loose a $4.5 million investment in the city.
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Opinion: FUTURE-IMAGE-ASSURANCE by Mary Jane Sanders
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Opinion: Texas Supreme Court Decision on the Water Dispute – Who is the Winner?
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Opinion: Memorial Day is Over and Americans Move On
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Opinion: NO ONE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY -- submitted by: Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: Artist Dennis O’Bryant gives to the community
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Opinion: Our Right to Privacy – Who Cares? – ME for one
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Opinion: Animal Identification a Good Idea -- submitted by Mary Jane Sanders
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Opinion: Bras and Property Rights -- submitted by Tom Allin
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Opinion: Bra or Swimsuit -- submitted by Helen Sisler
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Opinion: BRAS -- submitted by: Brenna Horak
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Opinion: CVND action unwise -- submitted by Tom Walker
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Opinion: The Marshall City Commission Violated the Texas Open Meetings Act
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Opinion: The Open Meetings Act will reduce the effectiveness of Committees
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Opinion: A Good Week to Start Opening Local Government to the Public
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Opinion: Inconsistency Is the Problem
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Opinion: The City is the Problem – No One Else – submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: The City is the Problem – No One Else – submitted by Phyllis Bailey
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Opinion: Give the money to the Karnack ISD ASAP – submitted by Ron Munden
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Opinion: The Mainstreet Presentation -- Hope We Can Learn from Our Mistake
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Opinion: Karnack Independent School District Deserves County's Help
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Opinion: Is Someone Missing Their Trash? -- submitted by Ellen Searle
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Opinion: Harrison County needs strong sustained economic development
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Opinion: The Non-liberal Media’s Judge McWhorter Defense Is Full of Holes
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Opinion: I am truly disappointed in Judge McWhorter – submitted by Gail K. Beil
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Opinion: Nothing Shocking submitted by Billy Webb
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Opinion: Judge McWhorter’s “Secret Ballot” Stinks – submitted by Ron Munden
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Opinion: A CAST OF IDIOTS -- submitted by Dennis O'Bryant
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Opinion: Why is Judge McWhorter Afraid of a Real Public Hearing?
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Opinion: A PEP RALLY IS NOT A PUBLIC HEARING -- submitted by Jack Canson
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Opinion: Why can't the Caddo Lake Coalition people and the
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Opinion: Fool me once; shame on you…fool me twice shame on ME
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Opinion: THE BLAME GAME AND THOMPSON’S DILEMMA submitted by Jack Canson
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Opinion: Judge McWhorter’s actions highlight lack of openness and transparency
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Opinion: --Brokeback Mountain-- submitted by Jim Bates
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Opinion: A Good Week in Marshall submitted by Tom Allin
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Opinion: Local Government’s Appointment Process is Inconsistent
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Opinion: A Gift for Our Grandchildren
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Opinion: It’s Time to Rethink “The Wonderland of Lights” by Ron Munden
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Opinion: We Do Not have the infrastructure – It’s time to move on
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Opinion: Things are changing at Caddo Lake -- submitted by Jay Webb
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Opinion: Howell Validates Cargill’s Comments submitted by Ron Munden
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Opinion: Politics Not as Usual ! submitted by Lad Moore
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Opinion: Cargill: Industrial dreams not fit for Caddo refuge
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Records 1 to 100 of 147


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